"Untitled", the sculpture created by Veronica Ellran, born in Colombia, holder of bachelor and masters degrees in philosophy, was placed at the entrance to the library.
The sculpture was donated by Veronica after she heard about the artist’s garden project for immigrants.
“A work of art that speaks for itself. Some people see in this sculpture a bird landing to rest or a brier in the desert, while others see a part of a flower vanishing in the air. The image of the sculpture is taken from nature, the subject of the sculpture is the eternal moment, the moment of time flowing", said Veronica at the sculpture presentation event.
The sculpture is made of iron rods of different diameters, which were prepared by electric welding that enables the creation of different textures.
The iron work has a life of its own, due to the iron oxidation process which symbolizes the life of the material and not its annihilation.
Veronica thanked Ruppin's management for the privilege of placing her sculpture on campus.