| | | Born in Israel, lives and creates in Ramat Hasharon. Multidisciplinary artist: sculptor, dance teacher and textile designer. She is inspired from objects lying around that seem simple, such as rocks, tree trunks, rusty iron, and more. The intention is to return these "dead" objects to life in a new shape and meaning. The movement in space generates movement in the material. An encounter between emotion and shape.
| | Standing Still
Wood and metal
1.55m height
A human humoristic figure, a cartoon.
To touch, to feel and to connect to different materials with closed eyes and seeing with our imagination. Human dummies inspired me to build a character. An encounter between the hot and smooth material – wood, and the cold winding metal – iron. To the spring made of rusty metal waste, which Ruth found while wandering in the fields, and the wooden dummies purchased at the flea market, which were shoemakers' tools, Ruth Agmon added a cast head, fruit of her work. This combination created the image of the standing man.
The combination of the three materials creates a humorous character, a kind of caricature of a human figure standing with its feet well on the ground, but still, swinging - perhaps not decisive, perhaps a human figure of joy and dance, depending on who and when they touch it.
“Standing on the feet without falling”, Hanoch Levin.
ruthagmon@gmail.com | | | | |